TueSnow02It’s been a while since I updated my blog – a conscious decision to eschew the net for a while, over Christmas, for family reasons, and after, to catch up with work and reading. I’ve done a bit of the former, a lot of the latter. I’ve been sent some wonderful books lately. I’m writing reviews that I’ll post over the next few days. It’s proving hard to get back into the swing of things after such a long break. I’ve more or less given up on Twitter – too huge and unwieldy. I can’t keep up with it. I’ve rather run out of steam on Facebook, too. I’m mainly to be found at Goodreads  these days – where the conversation is always about the books – and Pinterest, where I can endlessly prevaricate engage with the world through pretty pictures.

I’ve begun work on Chaos, the novel which follows Entanglement. It’s still very much at the planning stage, ideas are coming thick and fast and having to be stitched into the overall story. It’s a complicated plot that takes place in more than one time and multiple spaces. It’s going to take a lot of writing. I’m aiming to finish it before the end of the year, but, well, you know how it is.


We’re enjoying spectacular weather here in the north of England at the moment – well, I’m enjoying it. I know some people hate the winter and snow especially, but I love these clear, cold days of sugared trees and pastel skies. It is particularly nice snow, too, powdery and dry. Where there’s no snow, there’s ice: frozen lakes and icicles. The world is blue and white, with touches of pink when the snow stops and the sun struggles over the horizon for an hour or two. I’ve been out in it as often as I can. It’s hard work, and that’s just what I need. After the Christmas gorging, which segues all too easily into my January birthday, when there’s always cake, it cannot be denied that I’m a bit of a prize porker at the moment and after a morning’s hard strolling in the snow, there are usually outbreaks of hot toast and gingerbread coffee, becoming red wine in all sea areas later. Which rather defeats the object I suppose, but there it is.


7 thoughts on “Hello from the frozen North

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that both twitter and facebook can be good if you have something to ‘sell’ (like a book) but otherwise a waste of a lot of time.

    1. And I’m so TIRED of publicising my novel – ‘publicity’ that seems to disappear into the ether with no discernible effect on the numbers of people actually reading it. It’s hard work and takes far too much time I’d rather use for writing.

  2. Snow is always good – unless you have to go somewhere, as I do today! 😦 Don’t hold your breath over Chaos, it’s a tricky cove and work is slow (but thanks for the kind comment).

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